Clinton/Sanders Database Flap
**DISCLAIMER: I’m a Hillary Supporter because I think she’s more qualified. I do not subscribe to any movements, nor do I think she’s infallible. I think the whole email thing was SUPER stupid on her...
View ArticleI.. I have .. a confession
I did something very very wrong.. I took MONEY from a known REPUBLICAN. In fact, an evangelical Republican who I disagreed with on pretty much everything. I know this will now disqualify me for ever...
View ArticleWhy Clinton?
So tonight after some comment back and forth with various users on DKos this evening, I’ve decided to post this. I keep seeing people asking why anyone supports Hillary Clinton, so here is why. As an...
View ArticleAlpha/Beta Readers wanted.
So totally non-political, not about any primary, not about any election. But.. I write. I write fiction, truthfully most of what I’ve written up to this point I’m not proud of. It’s not very good. I’m...
View ArticleIn light of last evenings "Debate"
So after stomaching all I could watching the Republican “debate” last night I needed a way to calm myself down somewhat, or frankly I was going to either punch the wall or debate the best way to flee...
View ArticleClinton isn't transformational, and I don't care
Hillary Clinton..1) She isn’t transformational — Don’t care. Outside of being a woman, I get that she isn’t inspirational.2) She’s not looking to start a revolution — Don’t care, neither am I.3) She...
View ArticleAnecdotal: Evangelical voters are freaking out
I grew up in small town, North Central Florida. Country. Rural. And pretty Evangelical and these days very Republican. Most of the people I grew up with never left that town. They married there, had...
View ArticleIs it just me, or are there a lot of Sock puppets about?
I keep noticing all these diaries as of late.. and some of these things make me wonder…1) user account has been around for a long time, but never used till now.2) Brand new user account, but never a...
View ArticleNon-Political: Support your indie authors
So this is *not* going to be about any of the following:1) Primaries2) Candidates3) PoliticsWhat this IS about is supporting indie authors, on Amazon in particular. Now if you have a dislike of Amazon,...
View ArticlePersonality Types and Political Candidates
So on the way into work this morning.. I had this thought… I recently retook my Myers-Briggs personality profile, and no shock, I came out again as an INTP. I’ve pretty much always been an INTP, it...
View ArticleAbout that eBook thing...
So I had a post on this a while back.. I write fiction (as a hobby) I had been asked about the most recent book, Bridgefinders but it wasn’t out at the time. Well.. it’s out now. *IF* your interested,...
View ArticleRemember.. Tax Day is the 18th this year!
Just a reminder…Tax Day Normally the 15th of April is actually the 18th this year.. why?1) Emancipation Day is a holiday in D.C.2) That’s the 16th3) However, if the 16th falls on a Saturday, the...
View ArticleSemi-Plausible Reason for Huma's Emails on that laptop...
So with the reported information that Huma Abedin didn’t/doesn’t know how her emails got onto her soon to be ex-husbands laptop there’s been a lot of confusion on the subject. However, I’ve seen a...
View ArticleNo, the Electoral College isn't going to make Hillary (or anyone other than...
Look, I know Trump and his cronies are in fact a vile group. I know it’s damn worrisome, and for some downright terrifying. But I’ll say it right now, it doesn’t matter how many petitions that get...
View ArticleJohn Glenn.. Marine, Astronaut, Democratic Senator, Has Died.
Apparently John Glenn, died today. I remember him running (barely, I was only 11 at the time) for President in 84. I wasn’t very politically aware then, but I remember thinking a President who had been...
View ArticlePOLL: How many of us think that the Electoral College is going to NOT pick...
So while I’m not a subscriber to the notion that the Electoral College is going to do anything other than ratify Trump, I’m really curious as to how many here really truly believe it. I’ve seen a lot...
View ArticleSpeculative Fiction: The Trump Years, 2017 - ?
So preface: I write and self publish fantasy/sci-fi. Ever since Trump won I’ve had this ‘timeline’ in my head.. Yeah it’s pretty bleak and depressing, but hey, it’s my thoughts *heh* All Domestic of...
View ArticleClinton isn't transformational, and I don't care
Hillary Clinton..1) She isn’t transformational — Don’t care. Outside of being a woman, I get that she isn’t inspirational.2) She’s not looking to start a revolution — Don’t care, neither am I.3) She...
View ArticleAnecdotal: Evangelical voters are freaking out
I grew up in small town, North Central Florida. Country. Rural. And pretty Evangelical and these days very Republican. Most of the people I grew up with never left that town. They married there, had...
View ArticleIs it just me, or are there a lot of Sock puppets about?
I keep noticing all these diaries as of late.. and some of these things make me wonder…1) user account has been around for a long time, but never used till now.2) Brand new user account, but never a...
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